Both M.W. Lissette Ltd. and Kimberly Contractors 2014 Ltd. have a very positive and proactive approach to Health and Safety, with Health and Safety Manager Eddie Te Kāhika (assisted by wife Tracey) ensuring both company’s comprehensive Health and Safety Policies are meeting all legal requirements, organising on-job training as required, as well as managing a rigorous Drug and Alcohol Testing programme. 

M.W. Lissette Ltd attained Tertiary in the ACC Workplace Management Safety Programme for over 10 years before it was discontinued by ACC, was very proud to have achieved a National Green Ribbon Award for water control in forestry, and is now 3 years Gold Sitewise Certified.

Kimberly Contractors has achieved Safetree Certification for the last two years and put all of their employees through the Worksafe marae-based wananga ‘Te Ao Maruiti’ aimed at reducing serious harm for Maori working in Forestry. The company provides employees with ample PPE as required, and has a robust health and safety program that includes daily tailgate meetings at the start of each day’s mahi.

Further, in a show of their tautoko of the mental health of both their employees, their families and the wider community, both companies sponsored the Suicide Awareness Kaupapa ‘SHOT BRO’ to be performed in several Hawkes Bay and Tairawhiti locations.

All of M.W. Lissette Ltd and Kimberly Contractors 2014 Ltd.’s Health and Safety systems are fluid, live and ever-evolving as we continuously search for improvements in our processes and culture. We value the input management and staff have in ensuring our systems, not only meet Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, but are sustainable, achievable and practical.

We believe in a WORK HARD. BE SAFE. approach.

Eddie Te Kahika Eddie being presented with the Outstanding Health & Safety Management Trophy from Steve Harris from C3

Eddie Te Kahika
Being presented with the Outstanding Health & Safety Management Trophy from Steve Harris from C3